Practice Quiz Summary 9501061708073614047114246748 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Quiz Summary Quiz Summary Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title Here] ASYM_BeenHere Medium Stage 9501061708063613610137246744 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Stage 1 Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Medium Stage Type optional text here Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title HeretlT ASYM_BeenHere Medium Stage 9501061708073614252229123374 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title Herea Sample button #1 Sample button #2 Sample button #3 ASYM_BeenHere *ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve PaintObject Picture Group Stage Button Viewer ComboBox Field RecordField Hotword *RHOTWORD* *TbxBase* Generic Type optional text here Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title Here ASYM_BeenHere 9501061708063613745686123372 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Subtitle Title Text 2 Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Type optional text here Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title Hereo Type additional text here ASYM_BeenHere Quiz Summary Small stage Chapter Heading Small Stage Chapter Heading Generic Generic 950106170807361395298308435 Accent Accent Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage 950106170807361395298308435 ASYM_tpID Type optional subtitle here le here Type Your Title Here ASYM_BeenHere Practice 9501061708073614143171370122 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Feedback Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Practice Practice Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title Heree Hen ASYM_BeenHere Practice Info_Description :HDMEDIAPATH System Arial Arial Info_Title Arial Asymetrix Corporation rporation info_LastSavedBy Arial w3GDb Info_CreatedBy Arial w3GDb Arial w3GDb Arial 10/25/94 6:08:47 PM Move (Black-green) Lines and dots are showing the motion in this simple design Asymetrix Corporation Move (Black-green) Chapter Heading 9501061708063613321171185058 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Title Subtitle Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Chapter Heading Type Your Title Here Type optional subtitle here Type optional text here ASYM_BeenHere CDBSE&File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 Re&place... replace Aut&hor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript superscriptSubscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar Small Stage 9501061708063613428228431802 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Stage 1 Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Small Stage Type optional text here Type optional subtitle here Type Your Title Here ASYM_BeenHere Title Title 9501061708063613191686123372 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Title Subtitle Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage Title Type Your Title Here Type a subtitle here e here aasdfasffasfI Type additional text hereext here ASYM_BeenHere Title Quiz Summary Medium Stage Generic 9501061708063613856114431802 ASYM_tpID Accent Accent Subtitle Title Accent Accent Accent Accent ASYM_NextNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_NextNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = (ASYM_PreviousNavigablePage() <> buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks Previous Z4ASYM_FindPage enterPage -- This {has hyperlink notifyBefore oenabled = ( <> "Menu")\ (ASYM_FindPage(" buttonClick _ASYM_Hyperlinks buttonClick buttonClick enterPage